Sharon's Daily Journal <back 
Before: 138 pounds     5 feet 1 inch
Bust-37 Waist-30"  Thighs-24 1/2"

1 Month After: Bust:  35.5  Waist 28.5 and drum roll please:  thighs. . . .22.5!!

Sharon before raw Sharon 1 month raw  
Sharon before raw Sharon 1 month raw  
Sharon before raw Sharon 1 month raw  

In an e-mail dated May 15th, the day I posted these pictures, Sharon wrote me saying:
"OH my, I look horrible!  Not one good picture!!! Well, I will look better as the months go on and this is the reason I am doing this. To feel well and look awesome again.  Thanks for your support. Just being on this page makes me want to be raw more and more". 
love, Sharon

Keep it up Sharon, We know you can do it!

May 16th -
I had oral surgery on Tuesday.  This is my 7th gum/bone graft because of a car accident, ouch!!  In all of my surgeries I was always out of commission for at least three days.  I woke up this time Wednesday morning with no swelling, no pain or even any discomfort.  I did not need pain pills.  I spoke with my Doctor's office and actually thanked him for the amazing results.  Is this coincidence or is it the living foods??  Could I be this healthy so quickly I keep asking myself??  I literally popped out of bed and said, "Did I really have this surgery?"  Needless to say, I am continuing with my raw foods.  It has been one week and I have only lost 1 pound.  However, I feel thinner.  I FEEL thinner, cleaner, and have more energy.  The way I feel is worth it.  I look forward to the weeks ahead.

With love and commitment,

I have had many people try these outrageous crackers and all loved them.  The living and the dead!  hee, hee.

Sharon's version of Flax Crackers:
1 lb of flax seeds (soak overnight in water to cover, keep adding water as the flax seeds absorb it)
   in the AM:  drain the little water on the top.
Mix in:
2 tbls of dill weed
1 cup red cabbage chopped fine
1/2 cup scallions chopped fine (or any onion, shallot etc)
1 clove garlic mashed
1 carrot sliced thin with a peeler
2 tbls Braggs
1/2 cup chopped parsley
juice from one lemon
sea salt to taste  (I love my salt!)
using teflex sheets lay a thin layer in each tray of your dehydrator.  Dehydrate until dry.  Usually between 12 - 16 hours.  (I have let my dehydrator go for 24 hours and these are still delicious.)  They are so satisfying!!  Did you know flax seeds help you to lower cholesterol?  They help your digestion and they help your hair and skin too!!!!

For the love of good food,


Friday, AM, May 17
Well, I ate so much yesterday and was nervous to get on the scale.
In fact I was closing my eyes as I did.
When I opened them I found I had lost 1.5 pounds.  How can this be?
I ate a huge mushroom pate, two bowls of gazpacho soup, a zillion flax crackers, an all natural V8 juice. 
About four smoothies, as I am testing recipes for our juice bar.  Two almond cookies.  A wonderful apricot torte.
 Needless to say I was truly satiated!!
OK, I am even more motivated and more encouraged.  My head feels very clear.  My body feels light.  I am ready for my day.
For the love of food,

May 31st
It has been two weeks and I have lost 7 pounds!!  This morning I weigh 131 pounds!!  It has been relatively easy for me.  The hardest part is dealing with my food addictions and the loss of the social aspect.  You know, picking a restaurant knowing what meal you will order when you get there.  The anticipation and cravings of what you will eat.  I do not, however, feel as though I am denying myself of good foods.  In fact, I feel as though I have discovered good foods, great foods.  Yummy fruits that drip down my chin with their juices.  Quite sensuous!!  Great crunchy veggies in my salads every day.  I feel true to myself.  True to my store, my customers and very true to the universe.  I am in a kinder place than I have ever been.
I ordered the best sun dried tomatoes I have ever had from Jaffe Foods in San Diego and I carry these where ever I go.  They are a wonderful snack and have a long shelf life.  I eat them dried or I reconstitute them in a little olive oil and lots of water.  I concocted a great sauce for my zucchini spaghetti with them.
A handful of sundried tomatoes reconstituted
one clove of garlic
four chopped basil leaves
four dates
red pepper flakes to taste (I love it spicy!!)
fresh oregano to taste
salt to taste
Combine in a food processor (add water if you need to) and pour over angel hair zucchini.  I am loving this summer recipe!!
Be well, live well and stay in the raw!!
Love, Sharon

June 3rd
I lost another pound.  I weigh 129. WOW, I am under 130!!  and I am not hungry.  how can this be? so little time, such an easy transition.

June 5th
The juice bar opened with rave reviews and I feel so well.
I have worked for weeks straight without any down time or days off.  It is remarkable to me how I have made my way through this stressful time.  I have felt well and strong throughout.  A little tired, always able to continue on. 
It is no coincidence.  I have to give most of the credit to my new diet and eating habits.  I am well.  In years past, with so much stress, I would have ended up in the hospital with colitis for sure.  Only last year I was in Beverly Hospital for a couple nights and weak and unable to move for almost two weeks.
My skin is vibrant my body feels clean and light.  I am so happy.  I am actually looking forward to my next set of pictures!! 
With love, wellness and raw appreciation!!

A note from Alissa June 11th :And you should be looking forward to more pictures Sharon. Look at the 1 month pictures I just posted.. What a babe!!! Keep it up!

June 12th
my measurements made me cry this AM. The month has been so easy, I guess I have not given myself credit until now!!  Wow, check this out.
Bust:  35.5
Waist 28.5
and drum roll please:  thighs. . . .22.5!!  Yeehah!!  Rawesome!!!!

Sharon's Journal continued....

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