March 6th 2003 < back 

Michelle, 28yrs
156 pounds
Thigh - 24"
bust - 40" 
waist - 38.5"

I decide to start this journal in order to keep track of what I’m doing, to be accountable to myself and others, by actually writing it down I feel I am more true to myself. At the same time it will be quite fascinating to look upon this journal in a couple of years. This journey with raw food is one that is quite fascinating but very

scary at the same time. There are days when it’s easy others when it’s very hard.

Over the years I’ve often told myself that if I could I would live on grapes and salads, it felt natural for me. The media promotes so much the intake of vitamins, nutrients deficiency, the need for certain food etc.. that it never occurred to me to push my research further to see if it was actually possible to actually live this way. I stumbled on an article on raw food and I was awed by it, I started doing research on the internet and met with a 4 years raw foodist, that was all I needed to start my journey.

I realized a long time ago the relationship between mental & physical health and food, I noticed that every time I drank alcohol and ate poorly I felt depressed, less confident and had a higher tendency to negative thoughts, by doing research on the raw lifestyle I came to understand what feels natural to me: Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

What I want to achieve by being a 100% raw:
  • To achieve maximum health both mentally and physically
  • To stop my addiction to cooked food (I think about food constantly and it takes a big part of my time and energy, I want to be able to have a healthy relationship with food)
  • To have more energy
  • To lose weight
  • To start running again ( I used to run _ marathons, I was in great shape but since a few years IÍve stopped therefore lost my muscle tone, gained weight and lost my energy. I know that by combining raw foods and running IÍll be able to attain my goals).
  • To quit drinking alcohol (I donÍt drink often but when I do I tend to go overboard)
  • To gain more confidence
  • To accomplish more in my day to day life

read Michelle's daily journal >


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