"I'm out to prove something! To myself
mainly, but also to anyone considering the raw food lifestyle,
to anyone who is ready to take charge of their health, to
anyone who is ready to quit making excuses, to anyone who
is skeptical, to anyone who cares. I am out to prove that
someone who is addicted to junk/fast food, overweight and
full of aches and pains can fall in love with living foods,
lose weight by eating an abundance of these living foods and
feel great! Please check back every month and see for yourself
the changes you see in me as I journey through life in the
Here's a sample from Rachel's journal:
Day 4
I know I shouldn t, but I get on the scale
every day. I can t believe I have already dropped 8 pounds
in 4 days!
No headache today. My body is getting rid of mucous.
Juice of 5 carrots and 1 apple
1 cracker with veggie dip
part of a cherimoya (I let it get too ripe! Drat!)
3 more crackers
2 bananas
a bunch of crackers with the veggie dip and a tomato
a bite of cookie
Rachel's daily journal >