What's New |  Alissa's DVD Shoot | Raw Friends

Long grueling days of lighting, filming and retakes! All well worth it though for the amazing testimonials we captured!

People were flown in from all over the country to talk about the incredible success they had from the raw and living food diet.

The top picture is Sheila, from Florida. She went from a size 14 to a size 8 within 3 months and has healed a 10 year severe case of sinusitis.

This second picture is Stacie from Oregon, talking about her struggle with lead poisoning that had her nearly debilitated for 18 years. Stacie had such bad allergies that she could not touch an animal or go near a flower. She had horrible migraines and severe joint pain. All of that is gone thanks to the raw and living food diet!

We will keep you posted on when and where the infomercial will be airing.

For additional information, please e-mail us or call 1 (978) 985-7217 or 1 (888) 900-2529

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