The 3 Hour Consult
Phone consultations

The 3 Hour Consult
The ultimate 'crash course' to learn what a raw and living food diet is and what it can do for you! Learn how to go raw and how to stay raw!

In this one on one session, Alissa will reveal how to go raw and how to stay raw through a lively and inspiring teaching session filled with questions and answers. Alissa will clearly explain everything you need to know about how to prepare raw food.  Together, you will prepare delicious raw food meals and you will be left with a refrigerator full of prepared dishes to start you on your way.

"Alissa, the 3 hour consultation with you was superb! After 2 years of searching for information, going to raw food lectures, and reading the 'raw books', I learned more from you in those 3 hours that we spent together. Not only was it informational, but so much fun! You are a joy to be with, so much knowledge, so much energy, and the food was delicious! Best of all, you made it so easy! Its been 3 months since we worked together and I just wanted to let you know, I've been 100% raw since that day! Thanks to you!"

Sincerely, Jeannie

The 3 hour consult was created out of a need for a more intensive and hands on learning experience. One hour consultations were not beneficial in teaching the full experience of how to start eating raw and how to stay raw. Now, instead of having to put aside numerous hours and a considerable amount of money every week for a one hour consultation, the 3 hour consult is provided as a way to maximize your learning and allow you to begin TODAY!

Please call to schedule a private appointment with Alissa in Deerfield beach, Florida:
1 (978) 985-7217 or 1 (888) 900-2529

Cost: 300.00

Phone Consultations
Phone consultations are also available.
Alissa will modify your daily diet after looking over 3-4 days worth of food diary entries. Adjustments and recommendations will be given according to your individual needs. All of your questions will be answered in this hour long consult along with suggestions for an easier transition and a ‘plan’ for staying on the raw food diet. Recipes may also be given.

$75: for the first initial hour
If a follow up consult in the following weeks or months is needed. The charge will be $45 for every half hour.

“ Alissa helped me to locate the area’s in my diet that were causing me problems.
The advice she gave was ‘right on’. The subtle fine-tuning and modifications were just enough to completely change the results I was achieving with the raw food diet. After just one session with Alissa I have reached my goal weight and continue to feel better then ever!”

Janet N.Y

“How simple this seems after talking with you, Alissa! Im inspired, motivated and full of new hope since we spoke. Thanks a bunch!"

Micca, Sidney Australia

For additional information, please e-mail us or call 1 (978) 985-7217 or 1 (888) 900-2529

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